For Varsha, our focus on sustainability is reflected in how we operate our company and take care of the resources we control for present and future generations. Having a sustainable focus means that we continuously need to develop and improve on all areas of our business, respecting the environment, the people involved and the communities we operate in. In this business we have regulations and certifications, but as a company we will always look for improvements beyond the regulations. This is also reflected in our values: Precision, Passion and Respect.”

How environmentally sound is a Varsha Stones slab?

Varsha is not a company that stands around to see how or if law will mandate measures to care for and consider the natural world. Varsha holds itself to different standards as a highly conscientious environmental leader in the stone industry in India that uses innovative technology and common sense to battle inefficiency and environmental indifference. Always ahead of its time and operating well within all statutory legal compliance, sustainability and waste efficiency have become a vital part of company culture.

* All factory steel is recycled

*Excess and broken slabs and tiles have found a decorative new life as mosaics and floor pavers with the help of a new stone stamping and splitting machine.

*As water is a very scarce resources in India, never to be taken for granted, Varsha Stones has invested heavily into an on-site water filtration plant for water reuse.

*Varsha has also bought into an alternative energy power grid of solar power that helps offset inland energy consumption.

*With Varsha’s more recent endeavour into the quarrying business, a new set of circumstances and environmental issues have presented the company with a challenge. Rather than ignore the responsibility to the beautiful plateaus of South India, Varsha has vaulted ahead with a policy of restoration and beautification after use.